
Is your Employer running a Giveall Payroll Giving scheme?

To take advantage of Giveall Payroll Giving, your employer must be registered with Giveall.
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The easiest way to find out if they are already running a scheme (even if it is with another Payroll Giving Agency) is to ask your manager, HR contact or payroll administrator. If you would like us to make the approach for you then please Contact us (Please indicate whether you would like to remain anonymous or not and, of course, please include their name and contact number of the person we should talk to.) If you are happy to approach your employer yourself, here is a very brief overview of Giveall Payroll Giving that might help.

If you have approached your employer and the answer was "no they don't run a payroll giving scheme".
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Perhaps you could introduce the scheme to them and explain the benefits of Giveall and why you are keen to take part? Here is a very brief overview of Giveall Payroll Giving that might help. It briefly outlines how Giveall Payroll Giving works, highlighting the advantages of Giveall and explaining what would be required of your employer. Remember, it's free for them to take part and, unlike some other payroll giving schemes, it's admin-lite. Would you like us to help? Contact us and tell us what you'd like us to do; whether you simply have a question or two or you would like us to contact your employer on your behalf, we're here to help - Contact us (Please indicate whether you would like to remain anonymous or not and, of course, please include their name and contact number.)

If you have approached your employer and the answer was "yes they do but it's with a different payroll giving agency" and you'd prefer to use Giveall.
To read more click here
No problem! Switching payroll giving agencies is extremely simple (Companies can in fact elect to work with more than one payroll giving agency and having an "exclusive" is not allowed.) If you would prefer to use Giveall simply let your employer know the reasons why (they may not have even heard of Giveall). Here is a very brief overview of Giveall Payroll Giving that might help. It briefly outlines how Giveall Payroll Giving works, highlighting the advantages of Giveall and explaining what would be required of your employer. Remember, switching is easy, it's free for them to take part and, unlike some other payroll giving schemes, it's admin-lite. Would you like us to help? Contact us and tell us what you'd like us to do; whether you simply have a question or two or you would like us to contact your employer on your behalf, we're here to help - Contact us (Please indicate whether you would like to remain anonymous or not and, of course, please include their name and contact number.) If there is anything at all you would like us to do in the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch and good luck!
You have successfully registered for Giveall Payroll Giving. Your employer will be informed and will need to approve your details before your payroll deduction is processed in their next payroll run.
To view or edit your payroll deduction at any time, login and select "Employee" from the left hand orange menu. Click on the pencil icon under the Payroll heading of the table and then click on the "Deductions" tab in the pop-up window.