Business Model & Structure

Giveall's business model is very simple. It's a sustainable, co-operative one, based on the premise that the strong should support the weak, the have's assist the have-nots.

Giveall was built on the back of the donated money, time, energy and expertise of a group of highly qualified and dedicated volunteers. The software was either donated, developed from scratch or secured at preferential rates. Giveall outsources all major administration and processing functions and the fully automated systems enable Giveall to operate efficiently and effectively with relatively minimal manpower and overheads.

As a Charity, Giveall2Charity covers the running costs and on-going development of the platform and its own charitable goals with:

  • donations made to Giveall2Charity itself
  • an annual charge for small Charities (of £1 plus VAT p.a. which is sponsored so in reality the sponsor pays us and these Charities pay nothing)
  • a monthly charge for all large Charities (£20 plus VAT)
  • interest earned on its own funds
  • revenue (if any) arising from our affiliate relationships.

NB: All Subscription fees left over at the end of the year, subject to Giveall's objects and working capital requirements being met, are used to reduce the following year's fees.

The Giveall Structure and how it works

The parent organisation is the UK registered educational charity, Giveall2Charity, which focuses on:

  • the education of disadvantaged people in the areas of Mathematics, Science and English;
  • promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of charities by advancing the training of Charity trustees and staff in good corporate governance; and efficient fundraising or by such other charitable means as the trustees shall from time to time determine.

Where opportunities to bring further fundraising benefit have arisen, the charity has been able to establish related businesses which have grown out of the work of the charity, often with experienced Giveall project staff running these operations. All businesses which carry the Giveall name retain some relationship with the parent charity through licensing of the name and some form of profit-sharing agreement with the Giveall Affiliate, so that in the longer term income can be generated for the charity to continue to do its good work. This enables the group as a whole to encourage both the entrepreneurship and the sustainable financial leadership required to make sustainability part of the mainstream. 

Each Giveall business is structured to reflect the needs of the industry and the stakeholders. Charity trustees are not able to have commercial interests in the Giveall businesses, retaining the charity's independence and the ultimate integrity of the Giveall brand.

The Giveall Group

The website

The Giveall fundraising website is operated by Giveall2Charity for the benefit of all Charities. The Charity has two wholly owned subsidiary companies, Giveall Limited and Giveall Services Limited, which owns the Intellectual Property and carries out trading operations respectively. Giveall Services Limited also has a number of wholly owned subsidiaries - Giveall Affiliates, which have commercial supply agreements with third party and related third party Suppliers, which form part of the Giveall Group.

For registered details of each entity, please click here.