Interest Earned by charities


The interest rate earned on the Giveall Barclays Banking platform is directly linked to:

  1. The Bank of England base rate as set by the Monetary Policy Committee; and,
  2. The amount of total funds that Giveall has across all of its accounts at any one point in time. i.e. the greater the amount the higher the interest rate that Barclays pays Giveall.

Please note the following:

  1. Interest is now only payable annually in arrears;
  2. Interest is not paid on inactive or dormant accounts where the calculated interest amount is less that £1.00 as Giveall has to pay Barclays for account charges which are greater than £1.00;
  3. The total interest received by Giveall on the consolidated daily cash balances is apportioned on a pro-ratea basis to every charity based upon their daily balance as recorded during the interest period. This is known as the "Daily balance Apportionment Method";
  4. The Giveall Daily balance Apportionment Method ensures that every charity, regardless of their balance, receives the same benefit of the higher interest earned on the consolidated balance;
  5. However, due to Giveall using the Daily balance Apportionment Method to allocate the actual interest received from Barclays, Giveall is unable to state the interest rate applied over the interest period, due to interest rate fluctuations arising from changes to the Bank of England base rate and variations in the total consolidated amount of funds held across the Giveall banking platform, which in turn alters the interest rate applied by Barclays on the consolidated balances; and,
  6. The latest Barclays indicative interest rates can be located here Barclays Indicative Interest Rates.
Most charities are missing out; some more than others. They may not have enough in any single account to earn interest and/ or the time and expertise to manage their accounts to optimise earnings. On top of that, charities with larger balances earn higher rates of interest and many don't earn any interest at all. For those charities that do earn interest, the rates are generally disappointing and the conditions inflexible and impractical.
With Giveall, all charities earn the same higher rate of interest on their deposits, regardless of the amount in their account or the length of time it's in there. It's higher because all charities benefit from the consolidation of their funds within the Giveall platform and the fact that Giveall is intent on returning all benefits to the charities over any profit motive.
The maximisation of interest is an important task for the Finance Director or Treasurer of any organisation. Unfortunately, for many of them, the effort and expense of successfully monitoring and maximising their cash resources effectively and efficiently is considered too great or too difficult. This is especially so with smaller charities.

The ground-breaking Giveall Platform (incorporating the Giveall Barclays Multi Account Platform - BMAP) gives all charities equal access to higher interest rates and easy management of their funds. It's efficient, accessible and highly profitable. The demands on the FD or Treasurer's time are removed. If the money is within the Giveall Platform, for however short a period, it's earning higher interest and the charity can move it around without losing out (and, as a further bonus, without transfer fees).

£500 earns the same rate of interest as £500million on the cash management platform. Obviously, the consolidated balance, on the cash management platform earns a higher rate of interest than any single amount. As a starting point, our base rate is higher than others and, on top of that, all charities then benefit from the consolidation of all of the funds belonging to the other charities on Giveall.
Giveall's state of the art Cash Management solution not only maximises interest for all charities but it removes transaction costs as well. Charities are therefore earning money they weren't before and they have therefore dramatically reduced the cost of operating their accounts as well.
All users that register with Giveall have a Giveall Online Bank Account created automatically. These accounts operate seamlessly and quite separately from the users' regular bank accounts. This means they can receive the full benefit of the Giveall Banking Services' platform without having to change their existing banking provider.
We are also able to provide additional separate, linked accounts for charities who operate branches or charity shops.
Please note that unless a charity provides confirmation that the charity is entitled to be paid Gross Interest, the default position will be that Withholding Tax will be deducted and only Net Interest will be paid on the linked accounts. This is dealt with in the Giveall Terms of Service.